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Labranda - Labrayanda

Once the city of Zeus, only 7 km from Milas

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A visit of Labranda is a must-see

the ruins of Labranda

Photo: A. Pinar Türker

Labranda or Labraynda was a Karian city, famous with great plane tree forests, its water and Zeus Labrandos temple. The temple was a place for pilgrimage. Labranda was joined to ancient Mylasa (Milas) with a sacred road which is 13 km long. The suffix (-nda) was the place word used by Karians and Lykians in the old Anatolia. Labrynthos comes from the word Labrys which means two-sided axe. The axe is also the symbol of Head God Zeus.

The oldest things found in Labranda belonged to 600 B.C. The temple. Where the Antiques were more, was dwelled between 600 B.C. and 400 B.C.

Main Buildings:

The temple of Zeus: It was built in the time of satrap Hidrieus who lived between 351 B.C and 344 B.C. The dimensions are 25 x 16 metres and 6 x 11 metres one row columns with Attica.
South and East Entrances: (Propylea) It was also build by Hidrieus and located on the road which joined the Sacred Road with the city,.
The Doric House: It is called thus because of the four Doric style columns in front of the building, built by Hidreus.
The Stadium: It is 176 metres long and the two ends of the building are still whole.
Great Grave: The building includes a front courtyard and two rooms one after the other. It was built in the soft rock technique in the 4th cntury BC.
The Houses of the Monks: On the Architrav there is a script saying: „Hidrieus, the son of Hekatomnas from Mylasa has devoted these house to the God Zeus."
The Androns: These are some kind of clubs where met. There are tree Andron, (A) was built by Maussolos between 377 and 352 B.C. Andron (B) and (C) were built by Hidrieus.
The North Stoa: This was built by Maussolos.
The East House: It was built in the 5th century B.C.
Old House with Terrace: It was buiklt in the 5th century B.C. and the New House was built in the 4th century B.C. The bath and the East Church were built in Byzantian period. The fountain and the West Stoa and the bath were built in the 1st century A.C.
Sacred Road: Between Milas and Labranda the remainders of the Sacred Road can be seen.


Sir Thomas Docwra
Leader of the English Langue


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