There are still places on the Bodrum peninsula which are not yet excavated, so there is only
little knowledge of these ancient cities.
Pedasa is a Lelegian city which has come down to our day in a better state of preservation than the others. Located
in the area of Gökçeler, behind Konacik. IT is one hour's walk from Bodrum to Pedasa and we advise
to take along a guide.
Gökçeler, today, is a place where only a few shepherds graze their animals. Hardly anything has remained
of antique Pedasa except for the inner castle. However, some structural remains can be seen on the surface of the
ground. The inner castle, especially the eastern section, is in a fairly good condition. The narrow gates of the
castle, built with the ashlar technique, were fortified with towers. The inner castle was built on a high rock.
Herodotus has written that, from Caria, only the people of Pedasa put up some resistance against the Persian invasion,
which took place after the fall of the Lydian capital Sardis in 546 B.C. Herodotus says that when a calamity was
to befall the city or one of her neighbours, the priestesses of the Athena temple started growing beards. He adds
that this happened three times in Pedasa's history, and was the same case before the arrival of the Persians.
The other Lelegian cities of the peninsula were built on mountain tops. The settlement of Telmissus is located
on the~ Asartepe mountain behind the village of Gurece, which can be reached easily. At the peak there is a tower,
built of rectangular stone blocks, still standing. The tower controls the surroundings. The general character of
Lelegian cities, consisting of an inner castle and an area surrounded by a wall, can be observed here. Besides
the city, in the vicinity can be seen some tombs carved in rock.
Since no scientific excavations have yet been carded out in the region, our knowledge about the city depends mainly
on information given by writers of antiquity.
A vehicle can be taken from Turgutreis, and following the road southwards, the village of Akyarlar on the seashore
will be reached. Half an hour's walk from the village will take the visitor to the ancient city. The gates are
located on the eastern and western sides of the city. Inside the inner castle, which rises on the peak of Asartepe,
remains of some buildings and cisterns can be seen. After the transfer of the inhabitants of Termera to Halicarnassus,
the city was used as a sort of prison by Maussollos.
Diese lelegische Siedlung ist von einer turmbestandenen Befestigungsmauer umgeben. Dort sind aus soliden Steinen
errichtete, für den Volksgebrauch bestimmte Gebäude, wie das Stadtrathaus, der Marktplatz und der Heroon-Tempel
zu sehen .
The Classical Age Myndus, frequently mentioned by writers of antiquity, was founded by Maussollos.
Easy to reach, it is worth seeing. The major remains which can be seen are: Parts of the city wall, the antique
break-water and remains of its tower, both immersed in the sea today, a church of Byzantine period and the remainder
of a wall which was once thought to be Lelegian. Not even a trace of the stadium and the theatre, mentioned by
writers of the past century, remains today. When the surroundings are observed carefully, columns covered with
earth, traces of mosaics and ceramic piec-es can be seen scattered around almost everywhere. The city of Myndus,
once sieged unsuccessfully by Alexander the Great, today is a pleasant fishing village.
Thiangela ist eine, von Befestigungsmauern umgebene lelegische Stadt. Unter Mausolos wurde die Bevölkerung
der umliegenden Siedlungen hier zwangsangesiedelt, die Stadt erhielt einen neuen rechteckigen, geordneten Stadtplan
und wurde ausgebaut.
Madnasa ist eine zwischen Türkbükü und Gölköy gelegene befestigte lelegische Siedlung.
Hier sind Befestigungsmauern und zwei Türme vorhanden.
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auf diesem zeitgenössischen Stich
sieht man die in die Mauern eigelassenen Friese des Mausoleums